Novellit Fantasia Dancing Under Moonlight (Luku 4)
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Dancing Under Moonlight (Luku 4) Hot

Chapter 4 A Bear Attacks the Tribe Leader
Sim was attacked and battered to death by a bear. He was hunting in the forest with his friends, when it happened. Nebu was staying at home. He heard about the accident later. The event shocked the entire tribe. No one would have guessed that the gods chose to punish Sim in such a harsh way. Sim died painfully.
Nebu heard the sad news from Sim´s uncle. He eye-witnessed the battle between Sim and the bear. While Nebu listened to his relative, the sky was suddenly lit by a lightning bolt. The flash was followed by roaring thunder. Nebu experienced the wrath of the Thunder God. He began to fear the worst. That was that the gods weren´t on his side any longer.
Nebu never gave up. He had to fight for his own right to live. His people needed him to lead them forward. He never forgot the terrible fate of his brother. Many people thought that Sim didn´t deserve to die.
The bear, who killed Sim, didn´t die. It got to escape before the hunters had time to kill it. Sim´s body was left in the ground. He was covered in blood and bruises after the attack. Sim complained of the pain and agony that he felt before he passed away. He died of several injuries that no one knew how to repair. His last words were: “Why me?”. After presenting the last question, he died.
His fellow hunters stood looking beside him. The bear was gone. They prayed that it wouldn´t come back to kill them. The men lifted Sim´s body up from the earth. They carried him back to the camp. It was located only one day´s distance apart from them.
Bravely, they kept walking, until the evening. They lowered Sim´s body on the ground. The men rested beside the corpse. They slept for the entire night. Some men guarded the corpse, so that it wouldn´t be eaten by wild animals. In the morning, they continued walking towards their camp.


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