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What if? Hot

What if I would have been nicer,
if I would say right thing in the right place.

What if I would have been prettier,
if I would have been flawless.

What if I would have been always there for you,
never let you down.

What if I would have built a dream house for us,
I would never left from your side,
giving you undivided attention.

What if I have made you the center of my universe,
drowning you in to the kisses,
showing you my unconditional love.

What if all my actions and words
would have been real.

What if I would have been the One,
would you have forgive everything.

Ylläpidon palaute

What if? 2015-07-11 16:20:49 Alapo80
Alapo80 Arvostellut: Alapo80    July 11, 2015
#1 Arvostelija  -   Kaikki arvostelut

Moikka Alina!

Se viimeinen kysymys, että olisitko silloin... jäi puuttumaan kokonaan.

Tässä on hauska ajatus. Nuo pisteet ja pilkut voisi jättää pois ja hieman voisi murtaa tuota perus kirjoitusasua runollisemmaksi.
Eli samoja juttuja kuin muissakin.


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